The main issue for a midwife is likely to be the depth of the pool as she will want to ensure there is enough water to safely birth the baby. She may also want to ensure she has access to the mother for delivery. A baby born under water needs to be completely under the water as it is born, so the woman's lower body needs to be completely submerged when birthing the baby. If your midwife expresses reservations about using your pool, you have a few options:
- Invite her to have a look at the pool prior to labor;
- Share with her the adjustable pool height options;
- Demonstrate how the pool will be when properly inflated, filled and with you in it;
- Put her in touch with our company and we'd be happy to refer her to many midwives who have happily used and would recommend birth pool in a box.
- We can also supply her with a copy of "Emergency Exit Procedures" for Birth Pool in a Box.
Note that the clinical judgment of the midwife on the day of your labor should be recognised as she may not be the same midwife who you originally spoke to, so be sure to cover as many bases as you can prior to your labour. Of course, the benefits of using water for labour alone are worth the investment, even if the midwife requests that you get out for the actual birth. Water is proven to shorten labor and reduce the need for interventions, regardless if there is a water birth or a land birth at the end of the labor!
The other issue for midwives may be the risk of puncture. Sensible precautions are covered in this FAQ under What is the risk of puncturing the pool?